Resume Templates

Tailored for Job Market (Freshers to Senior Professionals). Available at an affordable price. ATS Friendly.

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Free Resume Template

Entry Level Resume Template

Entry Level Resume

Our resume template is well-formatted, boasting an ATS-friendly layout that guarantees your resume is easily readable by both machines and humans.

This optimization means all the relevant sections of your resume will be recognized and properly indexed by the tracking systems, increasing your chances of landing an interview.

This Resume template is specifically designed with college students, freshers, and recent graduates in mind, our template caters to any field of study or profession.

Our template includes key sections that are crucial for showcasing your professional persona:

  1. Contact Information: Make it easy for employers to reach out to you.
  2. Profile: A brief overview of your professional qualifications.
  3. Skills: Highlight your abilities and what you bring to the table.
  4. Experience: Detail your work history and relevant experiences.
  5. Education: Outline your academic background.
  6. Additional Sections: Space for volunteering experiences, projects, certifications, or any other information that adds value to your profile.

Step 1
Click On The Download Button
Step 2
To edit the file, please follow these steps:

  1. Copy the document by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’
  2. Once you’ve made a copy, you’ll be able to edit the document.

Paid Resume Template

Entry Level Resume

Freshers Two-Columned Resume

In today’s competitive job market, ensuring your resume ranks better at ATS is crucial.

Our resume templates are optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) with a clean, properly formatted, and two-column layout.

Designed to enhance readability and highlight your professional qualifications, these templates increase your chances of making it through the initial screening process.

Ideal for job seekers in various industries, including tech, finance, and marketing, our ATS-friendly resumes are your first step toward landing your dream job.

This resume template is specifically crafted for freshers and professionals with 0-3 years of experience across any field, from tech to finance to marketing.

This template help you effectively present your skills, academic achievements, and any internship experiences, ensuring your resume stands out even at the early stages of your career.

This template come with customizable sections, allowing you to tailor your resume to your unique profile and career aspirations.

  • Contact Information: This section should include your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Ensure your contact information is updated and professional, making it easy for employers to reach you.
  • Profile: A brief, compelling summary of your professional background, highlighting your career goals, core competencies, and what you bring to the table. Tailor this section to the job you’re applying for, focusing on your most relevant qualifications.
  • Experience: List your work history in reverse chronological order, focusing on achievements rather than just duties. For each position, include your job title, the company’s name, dates of employment, and bullet points of key accomplishments. Use action verbs and quantify results when possible.
  • Skills: Highlight the skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. This can include both hard skills (like specific software proficiency) and soft skills (like leadership or communication). Be specific and honest about your level of expertise.
  • Courses: Especially useful for freshers, this section allows you to list relevant coursework or certifications that demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to your field. Include courses that have provided you with valuable skills or knowledge pertinent to the job you seek.
  • Education: Provide details of your academic background, including the degrees you’ve earned, the institutions you attended, and the dates of attendance. If you’re a recent graduate, you can also include honors, awards, and GPA, if impressive.
  • Volunteering Experience: Showcase your volunteer work, emphasizing the skills you developed and the impact of your contribution. This section is particularly valuable for demonstrating soft skills, community involvement, and leadership potential.

We’ve made editing your resume template as straightforward as possible. Here’s how to do it:

  • Step 1: Click on the “Buy Now” button to access the template.

  • Step 2: To edit your template, simply go to ‘File,’ select ‘Make a Copy,’ and voilà! You now have your editable copy of the document, ready to be customized to reflect your professional persona.

Rs: 200/-

Simple Tech Freshers Resume

Navigate through the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) effortlessly with our single-columned resume templates, optimized specifically for ATS compatibility.

Proper formatting ensures your resume is easily scannable by both ATS and potential employers, increasing your visibility in the highly competitive tech job market.

This template is designed to put your skills and experience front and center, making your application stand out.

Our resume template cater specifically to freshers with 0-3 years of experience in the tech field.

Whether you’re a recent graduate or an early-career professional, this template help you showcase your potential in areas such as software development, data analysis, and IT support.

Highlight your academic achievements, internships, and tech-related projects in a format that speaks directly to industry recruiters.

This template come with customizable sections, allowing you to tailor your resume to your unique profile and career aspirations.

  • Contact Information: Start with the basics—your name, email, and phone number, ensuring you’re easily reachable for tech job opportunities.
  • Experience: Detail your internships and any work experience, focusing on responsibilities and technologies used.
  • Key Projects: Showcase specific projects you’ve contributed to, highlighting your technical skills and the value you brought to the team. This is especially important for tech roles where project experience stands out.
  • Key Achievements: Stand out by highlighting significant accomplishments in previous roles or projects, quantifying your impact where possible.
  • Education: Showcase your academic background, emphasizing tech-related courses and degrees.
  • Technical Skillset: A dedicated section for your programming languages, software proficiency, and other technical skills that are crucial in the tech industry.
  • Extracurriculars: Demonstrate your well-roundedness with activities outside the classroom or workplace, especially those that have honed your leadership, teamwork, or tech-related skills.
  • Step 1: Click on the “Buy Now” button to access our tech-specific resume template.

  • Step 2: Follow these easy steps to make it your own: Navigate to ‘File’, select ‘Make a Copy’, and start personalizing your document. This way, you can edit your resume in a user-friendly format that’s ready to impress tech industry recruiters.

Rs: 200/-

Professional Freshers Resume

Kickstart your career journey with our ATS-optimized resume template.

Crafted with a single-column format to ensure readability and proper formatting, these templates are engineered to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems seamlessly.

Perfect for freshers aiming to make a strong first impression, our resumes blend professional formatting with ATS compatibility, increasing your chances of landing interviews in highly competitive job markets.

Whether you’re stepping into tech, finance, marketing, or any other industry, This resume template offer a professional look tailored for freshers with 0-3 years of experience.

Designed to highlight your potential and skills, this template provide a solid foundation for showcasing your academic achievements and any initial professional experiences, setting you up for success from the start.

This template come with customizable sections, allowing you to tailor your resume to your unique profile and career aspirations.

  • Contact Information: Begin with the essentials—your name, email, and phone number, positioned for easy visibility.
  • Profile: Introduce yourself with a concise profile statement that encapsulates your aspirations, skills, and what you bring to potential employers. This is your chance to make a memorable first impression.
  • Skills: Detail your relevant skills, focusing on those most applicable to the job you’re applying for. From technical competencies to soft skills, this section allows you to highlight your strengths.
  • Experience: For those with internships or part-time roles, list your experiences in a manner that underscores your contributions and what you’ve learned. It’s about showcasing growth and potential.
  • Education: Your academic credentials are crucial at this stage. List your degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework to illustrate your preparedness for the professional world.
  • Step 1: Secure your template by clicking on the “Buy Now” button—a straightforward step to accessing your new resume foundation.

  • Step 2: Personalization made easy. Simply select ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’ to begin crafting a resume that truly represents you. This hassle-free process ensures you can edit and customize your resume, tailoring it to the specific demands of your desired role.

Rs: 200/-

Resume For College Students

Designed specifically for college students, our single-column format ensures your resume is properly formatted for Applicant Tracking Systems, making your application ATS-friendly and easy to read.

Perfect for securing that crucial internship or part-time job.

Our resume template is specifically crafted for college students embarking on their career journey, aiming for internships or part-time positions.

With a focus on showcasing your academic achievements, skills, and potential, our templates help you present a strong and appealing application to prospective employers in fields such as marketing, finance, and more.

  • Contact Information: Start with the basics; include your name, email, and phone number so employers can easily get in touch.
  • Profile: Introduce yourself with a brief summary that highlights your ambitions, skills, and what you’re seeking in a role. This is your chance to make a strong first impression.
  • Skills: List the skills you’ve developed through your coursework, extracurricular activities, and any relevant experiences. Focus on those that are most applicable to the job you want.
  • Experience: Even if you’re new to the workforce, include any internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work that demonstrate your ability to contribute to a professional environment.
  • Position of Responsibility: Highlight any leadership roles, whether in student organizations or volunteer groups, to showcase your ability to manage tasks and lead initiatives.
  • Courses: Detail relevant courses that have prepared you for the industry you’re targeting, showcasing your knowledge and commitment to your field of interest.
  • Education: Clearly outline your educational background, including your college, degree, and expected graduation date, emphasizing any academic honors.
  • Volunteering: Don’t underestimate the power of volunteering experiences. They can reflect your character, work ethic, and commitment to community service.

Personalizing your resume is straightforward with our easy-to-edit template:

  • Step 1: Click on the “Buy Now” button to access the template designed with your needs in mind.
  • Step 2: For a seamless editing experience, select ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’. You now have your editable version, ready to be tailored to reflect your unique strengths and experiences.

Rs: 200/-

Resume for Tech Professionals

Our resume template is engineered to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) seamlessly.

Designed specifically for tech professionals, the single-column format ensures proper formatting and readability by ATS, enhancing your chances of landing in the “yes” pile.

Ideal for showcasing the expertise of individuals with 1-5 years of work experience, this template is the first step towards securing your next tech role.

This template is tailored for professionals with 1-5 years of experience, striking the perfect balance between detailed accomplishments and future potential.

Whether you’re in software development, IT consulting, or any tech-related field, our resume template give you the edge you need.

  • Contact Information: Make a strong first impression with clear and accessible contact details.
  • About: Introduce yourself with a compelling summary that encapsulates your professional identity, goals, and what makes you a standout candidate.
  • Experience: Detail your professional journey with a focus on roles, responsibilities, and milestones that highlight your contribution to the tech industry
  • Key Projects: Showcase specific projects that demonstrate your technical prowess and problem-solving skills, highlighting your role and the impact of your work.
  • Key Achievements: Distinguish yourself by listing notable achievements, including awards, recognitions, or significant milestones that underscore your expertise and value.
  • Education: Outline your academic background, emphasizing degrees, certifications, and training relevant to your tech specialization.
  • Key Skills: Highlight soft skills and professional attributes that enhance your technical skillset, making you a well-rounded candidate.
  • Technical Skillset: Detail your technical competencies, including programming languages, software, tools, and systems, showcasing your technical fluency.
  • Extracurriculars: Include extracurricular activities that reflect your interests and commitments outside of work, providing a fuller picture of who you are.

Our user-friendly process makes personalizing your resume straightforward:

  • Step 1: Initiate the process with a simple click on the ‘Buy Now’ button to secure your template.
  • Step 2: Gain full access to edit your resume by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy’. This allows you to tailor the document to your unique career trajectory and professional highlights.

Rs: 200/-

Single Columned Resume for Mid-Level Professionals

Specially designed for mid-level professionals, the single-column format ensures your resume is properly formatted, making it easily readable by both Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and hiring managers.

Whether you’re advancing in marketing, finance, tech, or any other field, our templates are your key to highlighting your professional growth and potential.

With features specifically designed for those with 4-8 years of work experience, our resume template cater to the unique needs of mid-level professionals.

Providing the perfect platform to showcase your evolving skills, experiences, and contributions to your industry, setting you apart in your job search.

  • Contact Information: Start with the basics; ensure your contact details are easy to find and up to date.
  • Profile: Craft a compelling profile summary that encapsulates your professional identity, career objectives, and standout achievements. This is your chance to make a strong first impression.
  • Skills: Highlight the skills you’ve honed over your career, focusing on those most relevant to the positions you’re targeting. Include both hard and soft skills to present a well-rounded profile.
  • Experience: Detail your professional journey, emphasizing key roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments that demonstrate your impact and leadership capabilities.
  • Certification and Training: Showcase any certifications, licenses, or professional training you’ve completed that are pertinent to your field, underscoring your commitment to continuous learning and development.
  • Education: Summarize your academic background, highlighting degrees, institutions, and any honors or distinctions that are relevant to your career goals.

Customizing your resume is straightforward and hassle-free:

  • Step 1: Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button to acquire your template, designed with the needs of mid-level professionals in mind.
  • Step 2: Easily edit your template by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’ This step gives you the freedom to personalize the document, ensuring it accurately reflects your professional trajectory and achievements.

Rs: 200/-

Two columned Resume For Mid-Level Professionals

This resume template is designed with a two-column format, ensuring they are not only ATS-friendly but also beautifully organized to catch the eye of recruiters.

Optimized for ATS, they ensure your resume passes through the initial screening, making your profile accessible to potential employers.

Ideal for mid-level professionals across sectors like marketing, finance, and tech, these templates provide the perfect blend of style and functionality.

Specifically designed for professionals with 4-8 years of experience, this template help you showcase your career growth, significant achievements, and professional development.

  • Contact Information: Clearly present your contact details to ensure recruiters can easily reach out to you.
  • Profile: Use this section to give a brief overview of your professional background and career objectives, capturing the essence of your professional identity.
  • Skills: Highlight both hard and soft skills, showcasing your comprehensive skill set relevant to your desired role.
  • Experience: Detail your work history, emphasizing key responsibilities and achievements that align with your career aspirations.
  • Education: Outline your academic qualifications, providing a solid foundation for your professional skills and knowledge.
  • Certification and Training: This section is crucial for demonstrating your commitment to professional development, listing any additional certifications or training you’ve completed that are relevant to your field.
  • Language: For professionals in diverse or international fields, showcasing your language skills can significantly enhance your resume’s appeal.
  • Personal/Others: Include any relevant personal projects, hobbies, or extracurricular activities that contribute to your professional persona, offering a well-rounded view of your interests and capabilities.

ustomizing your resume is straightforward with our user-friendly templates:

  • Step 1: Begin by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button to access your chosen template.
  • Step 2: Easily edit your document by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’ With this copy, you’re free to customize the template to reflect your personal achievements and professional journey.

Rs: 200/-

Two Column Resume for Experienced Professionals​

Our resume template is meticulously designed for experienced professionals, featuring a two-column format that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also optimized for ATS.

This ensures your resume passes through the initial electronic screening, making your application ATS-friendly and ready to impress potential employers in various sectors, including finance, marketing, and more.

Specifically crafted for individuals with 7+ years of work experience, our resume template caters to the unique needs of experienced professionals.

This template helps you articulate your extensive career journey, achievements, and expertise in a manner that is both comprehensive and engaging, setting you apart in the competitive job market.

  • Contact Information: Start with your basic yet essential contact details, (your phone number, E-mail Id and LinkedIn profile) ensuring potential employers can easily get in touch.
  • Profile: Use this section to introduce yourself, summarizing your professional background, key strengths, and career objectives. It’s your chance to make a strong first impression.
  • Experience: Detail your career progression, highlighting roles, responsibilities, and significant contributions. This section is crucial for experienced professionals to showcase their depth of experience.
  • Expertise/Skills: Enumerate your professional skills and areas of expertise, particularly those relevant to the job you’re targeting. Tailor this section to reflect the skills most valued in your industry.
  • Awards: Acknowledge any professional recognitions or awards you’ve received. This adds credibility and distinguishes you as a high achiever in your field.
  • Education: List your academic qualifications, including any relevant certifications or training that contribute to your professional profile.
  • Languages: For professionals in diverse and international fields, highlighting language skills can be a significant advantage, showcasing your ability to communicate in a global marketplace.

Personalizing your resume is made simple with our user-friendly template:

  • Step 1: Secure your template with a quick click on the ‘Buy Now’ button.
  • Step 2: Easily edit your resume by selecting ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’. This action allows you to customize the document, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your professional narrative and career aspirations.

Rs: 200/-

Classy Two-column Resume For Experienced Professionals

Our template is crafted with an understanding of the modern job market’s demands, featuring an ATS-optimized, elegantly formatted two-column layout.

Designed specifically for experienced professionals, our resumes ensure your application passes through Applicant Tracking Systems with ease, making your profile accessible to hiring managers in industries ranging from tech and finance to marketing.

Tailored to meet the needs of those with 7+ years in the workforce, our resume template offers the perfect blend of sophistication and functionality.

  • Contact Information: Present your essential contact details in a clear, professional manner to ensure potential employers can easily reach out.
  • Profile: Use this section to introduce yourself with a powerful summary that highlights your professional journey, core strengths, and what sets you apart from the competition.
  • Experience: Detail your work history, emphasizing leadership roles, major projects, and significant accomplishments that demonstrate your capability and impact.
  • Expertise/Skills: Highlight your specialized skills and areas of expertise, showcasing the depth of your professional knowledge and abilities.
  • Awards: Acknowledge any industry recognitions or awards you’ve received to underscore your excellence and dedication to your profession.
  • Education: List your academic qualifications, including advanced degrees, certifications, and relevant continuous learning accomplishments.
  • Languages: For global roles, showcasing your language skills can be a significant advantage, reflecting your ability to communicate in diverse environments.

Editing this resume template is made simple with our straightforward editing instructions:

  • Step 1: Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button to purchase your chosen template.
  • Step 2: To begin customizing your template, select ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’ You’ll now have your editable document, ready to tailor to your unique career narrative and achievements.

Rs: 200/-

How To Use Our Templates 🎯

Creating a professional resume has never been easier. Follow these simple steps to get started with our resume templates:

Browse through our selection of resume templates and select the one that suits your style and the position you’re applying for.

Click on your chosen template to initiate the download process.

To edit the file, please follow these steps:

  1. Copy the document by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’
  2. Once you’ve made a copy, you’ll be able to edit the document.

Replace the placeholder content with your own information. Update your contact details, work history, skills, and achievements.

Personalize your resume further by adjusting fonts, colors, and formatting to match your unique style.

Carefully review your resume to ensure accuracy, grammar, and formatting. Edit as needed.

Save your completed resume in Google Docs, and when you’re ready to send it to potential employers, go to “File” > “Download” and select the format you prefer, such as PDF or Word.